Friday, December 14, 2012

Green Burials

I was very interested in the editorial done by "The Texas Political Fix," partly because I had yet to hear about any of it and also because I agree with what she had to say about how great a greener burial would be for the world. When she stated that it gives her "some optimism" for Texas government I had to concur with that statement. I like how the article was introduced and I thought it was well presented and explained.

Adding on to what she had to say a state park is not currently able to purchase more land unless they use it for this kind of purpose, so they would plan on purchasing land "adjacent" to the state park and would prefer to buy land near urban areas so they could "save" the land from development. Luckily the "Green Burial Council" says that no one would be buried near campsites, so that means the regular state parks can run like normal they would just have that extra land to give people an option to be buried naturally. This would give wildlife a chance to be saved from construction. None of this has happened and there aren't any plans of it happening any time soon, but it great that people are seriously talking about it.

I personally am not particularly excited to think about becoming worm food and that is why cremation seems to be the way I want to go but I think this is a great option for people who don't mind that kind of thing and want to become a part of nature and not make too serious of an impact on it

The KXAN article is here.

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