Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Locator chips for students

I have heard in the news recently that schools in Texas are using "locator chips" in the students id's to pinpoint exactly where they are in the school to track attendance. This chips even can tell a person the student is in the bathroom which totally crosses boundaries of privacy. There has been some opposition to this because people, especially religious groups, say it doesn't go along with their beliefs. People who support this idea say that they are just trying to make it easier to find the student if they are needed.I have to oppose it, but for reasons different than what some religious groups are saying. I think students should be accountable for getting to class on time, especially high school students. Students these days are being treated like babies and should suffer the same consequences everyone has in the past if they aren't where they need to be on school property.
Another issue to take into consideration with this system is the security of the children. If the system were to compromised and someone who shouldn't be looking at it saw where every specific child was on school property, that could be very dangerous. If schools are considering permanently implementing this they need to make sure that take this in to consideration
 Privacy and freedom are main factors. If these most of these students are old enough to drive, they should be able to have the ability to have freedom and privacy to make their own decisions, even if they are bad ones. This locator card takes the freedom from the student and furthers the feeling that schools are systematic and unforgiving, which is not the idea these kids should be getting.

-an article from The Statesman

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Commentary On A Classmates Blog

I read an entry from my classmates blog, Thoughts About Texas Politics. The article I read was "Austin's Environment" and it was about how Austin should be more eco-friendly. I agree with this belief and would like to expand the argument by proving that the beliefs stated are already being put into effect. In an article published by Austin Business Journal the author states that the Austin city council voted and  "unanimously"  passed a bag ban ordinance. The ordinance will begin March of 2013 and will prohibit retail stores from offering "single-use" plastic or paper bags, customers can bring in reusable bags if they wish. My classmate had great insight by saying that completely banning plastic bags without educating people on how to go "green" might be a disaster. In the same article by the Austin Business Journal, it is said that 2 million dollars will go to educating people on how to switch to reusable bags.
 I agreed with one of my classmates ideas or a con to the bag ban of there being and issue of shoplifting with reusable bags, but I think it is a chance that should be worth the risk because it will save the environment.  The only thing I disagreed with my classmate on was the idea that people will have a hard time adjusting to a change like banning plastic bags. I think, like any habit, it will take time but people will eventually remember to bring reusable bags into a store with them. I think it will only takes one time for a person to go into a grocery store and have to carry out all the items without bags to turn it into  a habit.