Thursday, October 18, 2012

Medical School for UT.

  I read 'Taxes for UT?' a blog post on Burka Blog by Paul Burka. It was a post about how UT is not sure they can financially support the new build and operation of the proposed medical school on campus. The idea to make up for this lack of financial support comes in the package of Proposition 1, a tax increase on homeowners in Austin of upwards of almost 200 dollars. Many people oppose the proposition because they obviously don't want the tax hike. Burka seems to not like the idea because, as he states, UT has the most "endowments of any universities in the country," and instead of taking it forcefully from the citizens the form of taxes they could have a huge fundraiser for the money.
    I honestly feel like there is a need for a medical school here in Austin and we should take any measure to ensure that we get that so people who are really sick don't have to drive to Houston to get top notch medical care. The other side to that is that I don't own a home in Texas so I don't really feel like my opinion counts because I am not directly hit, yet. I can see both sides of this but I know that we need a medical school here so Austin can stay at the forefront of medical advancement.I feel like this article is well thought out but I wish he would have given a little more background information or maybe cited a source for a news document. It was short and to the point and i liked that.

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