Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Can Concealed-carry save lives?

An article from the Star Telegram published on September 15th, 2012, "Concealed-carry saves lives, gun advocates say" is about how many people in Texas believe that the shooting in Aurora Colorado could have been stopped if there had been armed movie goers in the theater. The article states that " gun advocates have a new mantra: Gun ownership is not only a constitutional right, it's socially beneficial." There are many examples of how having a gun can ultimately save someone in a deadly situation. The counter argument is that many people might not be able to have enough knowledge to be the “hero.” The victim could miss the person trying to hurt them, or even misuse the gun and end up hurting themselves. I think both sides have a point but I think that is why people who own guns should have a license; it makes sure everyone who owns a gun knows how to use it. This article is worth reading because it gives both sides of the story and makes you think about which side you might support.